Sunday turned out to be a perfect fall afternoon. After church I decided to walk along the Seine and take pictures of all the bridges I passed along the way.

Pont des Invalides

Pont Alexandre III, the gaudiest bridge in Paris.

A glimpse of the Pont Royale. I must confess I skipped a couple bridges here (the Pont de la Concorde and the Pont Sofferino.)

Looking back at Pont du Carrousel

Pont des Arts

Apparently newly engaged couples will come to the Pont des Arts to place a lock on it and then throw the key into the Seine.

Pont Neuf and the tip of Ile de la Cité

A closer shot of the Pont Neuf, the oldest bridge in Paris.

Quai de Conti

I crossed over Pont Neuf onto Ile de la Cité.

I love this picture of the palais de justice from the back.

Walking along the Ile de la Cité looking toward the Left Bank.

The fall color is subdued here, but pretty nonetheless.

Standing on the Pont St. Michel, looking toward the Petit Pont.
Wonderful pictures and tutorial on the bridges of Paris!