My French choir gave two concerts this weekend, one in the town of Blois and one in Versailles.This is the lovely town of Blois--a view of the château taken from the Cathedral (not by me.)It had been a while since I had sung in such a lovely space as this.I loved the repertoire: we did the Poulenc Stabat Mater and the Franck Martin mass for double choir. Both challenging and stunning works.
You've never seen so many roses in your life as at the Parc de Bagatelle. I finally visited this garden in the Bois de Boulogne with my friend Kristin. I will leave you to feast your eyes...
I'm back-posting as I have been way behind on blogging recently. I took this walk a couple weeks ago. It was a beautiful warm evening and I had no plans, so I metro-ed to Chatelet and then walked a big loop around the islands. This is a mass of people picnicking on the tip of the Ile-St-Louis. All of the quais and bridges look like this on a warm summer evening, especially on a weekend night.
My parents were here for one week packed with mad sight-seeing and non-stop eating. Here are a few highlights (most photos were taken by my dad): Mom overcame her fear of heights to climb to the top of Arc de Triomphe. Place du Tertre in Montmartre. Picnicking in the Parc FloralWe took a bateaux mouche ride to celebrate my parents' anniversary. The Château of VersaillesHaving a drink with a friend of my aunt's, Ruth-Christine.Dinner with aunt Lisa on the île St. Louis. Thanks for a great visit, Mom and Dad!